
At EMBASE Pro Suit, we bring together our deep understanding of the education industry and our expertise in technology to provide a comprehensive solution for affiliated colleges. Our platform combines the power of AI and machine learning with our extensive knowledge of educational practices to enable colleges to seamlessly implement the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

With over 100+ successful case studies, we have a proven track record of helping colleges streamline their operations, enhance teaching and learning experiences, and improve administrative efficiency. Our team of experienced educators and technologists work closely with our clients to customize our solution according to their unique needs and provide ongoing support.

Join us on this journey towards educational excellence as we empower colleges to embrace NEP 2020, implement outcome-based education, and leverage technology for enhanced teaching and learning experiences.


Empowering higher education with e-governance through innovative IT solutions


We envision a society in which every student, regardless of social, physical, or economic background, has equitable access to the best education possible.


We, EMBASE Pro Suit, promise to reform Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in India in line with the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) and focus on delivering high-quality education. Our pledge includes the following... Continue Reading 


EMBASE Pro Suit offers a range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of affiliated colleges in India. Some of the key services we provide include:

1. E-Governance Implementation: We assist colleges in implementing e-governance practices by providing a comprehensive platform that streamlines administrative processes, automates workflows, and ensures efficient management of academic and non-academic activities.

2. NEP 2020 Compliance: Our platform enables colleges to align with the objectives and mandates of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. We provide tools and resources to help colleges integrate NEP guidelines into their operations, curriculum, assessment practices, and overall educational approach.

3. Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Implementation: We facilitate the adoption of outcome-based education methodologies by helping colleges define learning outcomes, track student progress, and evaluate course attainment. Our platform provides the necessary tools to assess and improve student learning outcomes effectively.

4. Curriculum Design and Development: EMBASE Pro Suit offers comprehensive tools for curriculum design and development, allowing colleges to create competency-based curricula aligned with NEP 2020 guidelines. We emphasize practical skills, experiential learning, and industry relevance in curriculum planning.

5. Learning Management System (LMS): Our robust Learning Management System streamlines teaching and learning processes. It provides educators with an intuitive interface to create, deliver, and manage course content, while offering students a user-friendly platform to access resources, submit assignments, and engage in interactive learning activities.

6. Student Performance Analytics: EMBASE Pro Suit incorporates AI-powered analytics to generate detailed reports and visualizations on student performance. Educators can gain valuable insights into student strengths, weaknesses, and areas requiring additional support, enabling data-driven decision-making and personalized interventions.

7. Institutional Accreditation Support: We assist colleges in streamlining the accreditation process by providing a centralized repository for storing and managing accreditation-related documents. Our platform simplifies compliance requirements, ensuring colleges meet accreditation standards effectively.

8. Continuous Professional Development (CPD): EMBASE Pro Suit offers a range of CPD modules to support faculty members in enhancing their teaching skills and staying updated with emerging pedagogies. Our flexible and engaging CPD programs promote continuous professional growth among educators.

These services collectively contribute to the comprehensive and integrated approach of EMBASE Pro Suit in transforming education management and fostering excellence in affiliated colleges.