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Outcome-Based Education was first introduced by the United States-based in 1980s. Lumina Foundation and has gained international recognition and adoption.

The Washington Accord is an international agreement among engineering accreditation bodies that sets standards for the recognition of undergraduate engineering programs. It ensures mutual recognition of qualifications and promotes global mobility for engineering graduates.

India has become the permanent signatory member of the Washington Accord on 13 June 2014. India has started implementing OBE in higher technical education like diploma and undergraduate programmes. The National Board of Accreditation, a body for promoting international quality standards for technical education in India has started accrediting only the programmes running with OBE from 2013.

The National Board of Accreditation mandates establishing a culture of outcomes-based education in institutions that offer Engineering, Pharmacy, Management programs. Outcomes analysis and using the analytical reports to find gaps and carry out continuous improvement is essential cultural shift from how the above programs are run when OBE culture is not embraced. Outcomes analysis requires huge amount of data to be churned and made available at any time, anywhere. Such an access to scalable, accurate, automated and real-time data analysis is possible only if the institute adopts either excelsheet based measurement system or some kind of home-grown or commercial software system. It is observed that excelsheet based measurement and analysis system doesn't scale when the stakeholders want to analyse longitudinal data.

Answer: No, there is no direct connection between the Washington Accord and Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in arts, commerce, and science colleges. The Washington Accord is an international agreement among engineering accreditation bodies aimed at ensuring the mutual recognition of engineering education programs. It sets standards for the quality and consistency of engineering education across participating countries.

On the other hand, Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is an educational approach that focuses on defining specific learning outcomes and assessing students based on their achievement of those outcomes. OBE can be implemented in various disciplines, including arts, commerce, and science. However, its implementation in these disciplines is primarily driven by educational institutions and national educational policies rather than international accords like the Washington Accord.

It is important to understand that while both the Washington Accord and OBE are related to education, they address different aspects. The Washington Accord focuses on international recognition of engineering programs, while OBE is a pedagogical framework that can be applied to various disciplines to improve teaching and learning outcomes.

EMBASE offers faculty training programs that provide guidance on OBE principles, assessment strategies, and effective teaching methodologies aligned with desired learning outcomes. The training equips faculty with the necessary knowledge and skills to implement OBE effectively

Yes, EMBASE provides curriculum design and development tools that enable colleges to align their courses with desired learning outcomes. Colleges can create competency-based curricula, emphasize practical skills, and integrate experiential learning opportunities, all in accordance with OBE principles.

EMBASE's Learning Management System (LMS) offers features for online course delivery, assignment submission, and assessment management. These features streamline the management of large class sizes, allowing colleges to effectively engage and assess students in OBE-driven courses.

Yes, EMBASE provides tools for mapping course objectives to program objectives and student outcomes. The platform enables colleges to track and evaluate student progress based on predefined learning outcomes, facilitating continuous monitoring and evaluation of student outcomes in OBE implementation.

EMBASE offers documentation management features that help colleges store and manage accreditation-related documents. The platform's data analysis and reporting capabilities assist colleges in demonstrating compliance with OBE-related accreditation standards, ensuring a smooth accreditation process..

Yes, EMBASE's analytics engine generates detailed reports, visualizations, and predictive analytics to identify areas for improvement in OBE implementation. The platform helps colleges make data-driven decisions, track student performance, and implement targeted interventions for continuous improvement in OBE practices.